Komunikasi Data

Data adalah semua/sekumpulan nilai yang berbentuk analog atau digital.
Informasi adalah  Nilai yang tidak beraturan dirubah menjadi kelompok-kelompok sendiri / dikelompokkan sendiri sesuai kebutuhannya.
Komunikasi data adalah Pertukaran informasi antar intitas satu ke intitas lain melalui media.

Central Processing Unit (CPU) Dan Interupsi

CPU merupakan komponen terpenting dari system komputer. CPU adalah komponen pengolah data berdasarkan instruksi-instruksi yang di berikan kepadanya.

Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer

Organisasi Komputer

Adalah bagian yang terkait erat dengan unit–unit operasional dan terkoneksi antar komponen penyusun

Pengalamatan / Addressing Modes

Addressing Modes adalah Cara /  mode di mana letak (alamat) operand atau data dari suatu instruksi ditentukan.


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NAMA                 : Yudho Hendro Laksono

NOMOR              : 14.11.8143

PROGRAM         : STRATA – 1

JURUSAN           : TI

KELOMPOK       : I



Jade 20 Ton discovery stone in Indonesia worth billions

The discovery of the largest stone jade stone of 20 tons in Protected forest Nagan Raya, Aceh, create a public scene in Aceh this news even entered the ranks of the Indonesian national news in several mass media and online media. Aceh jade boulder found by a citizen Ara Pante named Usman (45) in the bushes of the protected forest.
According to residents Pante Ara, Kamaruzzaman, said jade found themselves by Usman while searching for these precious stones. Usman accidentally saw a large boulder and curious Usman approached the stone covered with leaves.
"Out of curiosity, Usman also invite other colleagues to examine the stone, after they were surprised to find a new cleaned jade types idocrase estimated 20 tons," said Kamaruzzaman, Tuesday (17/2) via cell phone.
According to him, it is estimated that there are a large boulder idocrase super, diesel and neon. The third type of rock is the most popular rock lovers today and high value. Type diesel can be sold only the cheapest $ 1 million.
As a result of the major findings, the majority of residents of the village of Ara Pante, District Beutong Ateuh, Nagan Raya already switched livelihood jade miners. Every day there are local residents down from the upstream to the mouth of the river. Even people go into the woods to look for chunks of precious stones worth millions and even billions of jade ini.batu is worth billions.